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Calling from Nigeria

Just got two emails from Nigeria.

The one below is from a football agent, as what he claimed, said that he has a group of players ready to ply their trade here.

And following that, a player also wrote in and said he's played in number of tournaments in Nigerian and aboard.

So any clubs or whosoever are keen (or ready to take them in), please let me know and I will forward the emails to you guys..


  1. Dear Pohui

    I'm Adam, English, played in numerous youth tournements. Please send this note onto any club, therefore they can send me money for a flight over of which i will miss due to unforeseen circumstances.

    But i will pay the money back when i'm next at an ATM machine.

    Don't be taken in by these guys Pohui

  2. Hi "Druryfire"...

    These things happened before and I just wanna posted their emails as a form of "public education"..thanks

    with regards

  3. could be the next Ali Dia..heehee

  4. LOL. The fact that it's NIGERIAN should already alert you to the fact that this is very likely a scam. :D

    Let's concentrate on our own talent here, no?


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