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Showing posts with the label Business Houses League

Corporate Revival In Local Football?

The possibility of the revival of the once-popular Singapore Business Houses Football League (SBHFL) or starting something similar was raised during last year's Football Association of Singapore (FAS) Congress when president Lim Kia Tong was quoted in The Straits Times (ST) report that covered the event. Said Mr Lim: "The plan is to see participation from both businesses and professional associations. We would like to have the corporate sector involved in football again." The Commercial Cup ( NLB archive ) Suggestions from the fraternity to revive SBHFL were nothing new and it was one of the topics brought up in the discussion during the campaigning of the 2017 FAS elections. "It was a good league (SBHFL) where you could get the companies to support football." said Lian Kim Fatt, the honorary secretary of the Singapore Government Services Football League (SGSFL). "If you don't give the companies mileage, how can you expect them...

"Vote For The New Beginning. Vote For The Future Of Singapore Football"

The "FAS Game Changers" It is the determination to stop the rot in Singapore football that saw the assembling of the "FAS Game Changers" - a slate headed by Hougang United chairman Bill Ng for the upcoming landmark election that will see 44 eligible delegates to vote in a new 15-member Football Association of Singapore (FAS) Council at the end of the month. "We are not quick fixer!" said Ng in his opening address at the unveiling of his slate and manifesto at The Clifford Pier before he went further to outline what he and his team plan to do if being voted into office on the 29th of April. One of the first things to be looked into is the administrative issues which the businessman did not mince his words when he blasted the current FAS administrators for having "a huge coordinating problem in the secretarial office" that he felt "they don't know what they're doing". Hougang United Chairman Bill Ng However, he added...

Yes, I mentioned “amateurism” but corporate could play a part too.

(Just a follow-up from one of my previous entries .) I know some of you folks out there don't fancy the idea of reverting back to amateur or semi-pro football, but this shouldn't be seen as a setback in improving the game on the whole. Just take a hard stare at the current local clubs' set-up, except for a small minority, a large number of them are struggling to stay afloat. They just don't have the muscles to complete with the big guns and are helpless in stopping those they nurtured from leaving for better wages offered elsewhere. Despite having the salary cap in place, it's no secret that some clubs are running on a shoestring budget. As an amateur or semi-professional meaning one will be playing the game without or little monetary gain and largely for the love of it. As a professional player meaning one bread and butter depend on playing the game, the pressure to perform and maintain oneself in tip-top condition is a test of self-perseverance to achieve that fea...