Click on the "envelope" for a bigger view Scribed this on the back of an envelope. Please don't be confused by those "arrows" and the hideous handwriting (it was a scribble-on anyway), allow me to explain with some help from the "wiki" pages on the subject. As you can see for yourself on the top of the envelope, I scribbled "Top 8 (AFL)" , while on the lower half of it, you should notice the words - "Super League (RL)" . With SAFFC very likely to wrap up their unprecedented "fourth-peat" (their fourth consecutive league titles) in days to come, I wonder what's the point of carrying the regular league fixture since there's nothing more to fight for (except for the remaining prize monies)? Since there's no relegation/promotion format in the league set-up, the rest of the pack are merely fighting for their pride to complete their fixture, thus there's absolutely no reason for fans to pay to come and see...