(P.S: If you access this site via "come . to/ matchpix ", please click the "Facebook" icon after you click "HERE" when you want to view the album as that will redirect you to the album, thank you) Friendly: Geylang In't 2-2 LionsXII 27/12/2014 One of them was wearing the "Johnson" jersey Towards the end of the match, the lighting conditions were pretty bad as the floodlights were not on at all. This was only the second time I compiled shots featuring the Lions XII and do take note the name on the back of the jersey may not necessary refer to the players who wore ( eg : 'Johnson') PLEASE CLICK HERE TO SEE THE REST OF THE MATCH PICTURES Friendly: CYL 1-3 JDT II 10/1/2015 Adam Swandi (front) scored the only goal I forgot to "switch on my lights" as the floodlights during the match were not blast to full that I initially set at the usual lower ISO until I realized when it was too late. Both Baihakki