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Showing posts from June, 2009

More signatures

More signatures were gathered during the charity match in aid for Charmaine Lim's cancer treatment. I finally got hold of former Geylang United and ex-Balestier Khalsa coach Jang Jung after missed him on several occasions. Rudy Khairon was walking behind me after Jang Jung signed the poster, and I asked, "Hang on, let see if you were inside the poster?", "Yeah, I think so... " said the former national midfielder. But the agony was the missing out of Hasnim Haron who is nippy as ever as in his playing days when he left the ground early after the match...


Was late for the game anyway but it was a good turn-out for this charity match organized by former Singapore international Rafi Ali, as thousands of fans turned out at the Tampines Stadium to catch stars of the yesteryears to parade their skills in aid for the four-year old cancer patient Charmaine Lim. PICTURES AT THE END OF THE MATCH Show of appreciation at the end of the day Cheque presentation to Charmine's mother Mrs Cynthia Lim (in pink) Part of the crowds who help in the charity event by paying an admission fee of $10 This one for the album

Short scribe on Home U's misadventure in Hong Kong (edited)

Got a call from my friend, Bryan Lim who saw the match where Home United were trounced 4-0 by Hong Kong powerhouses - South China AA in the AFC Cup knock-out stage. Here are some of the extracts from his posting filed from Hong Kong... "I just came back from the game played @ the HK Stadium.A passionate & capacity crowd of about 8K watched the humiliating defeat. Here's the starting lineup (3-5-2): Lionel-Rosman,Mani & Hiek-Dickson,Shadan,Syed Fadhill & Perez-Lodovick & Azhar. Sivaji(as usual left an orthodox leftback,Jumaat on the bench), keeping faith with the oft crticized rotation system. The pitch was slippery after showers in the afternoon and an hour before the game. Weather was humid." "The SC supporters sitting in front of me asked if I was from Singapore. We had a chat & they admitted that HU was a good team but lacked a finisher. Frankly,HU's porous defence made 2 fatal errors which made SC looked gd. they were very impressed with D...

Come Clear and Balance it!!

Two news broke out today which had been circulated around the fraternity lately. (Picture from "Today") "Where are you, Bryan?" Young Australian striker Bryan Soane had left Balestier Khalsa over contractural dispute, while management reshuffling took place in Sengkang Punggol saw coach Jorg Steinnebrunner and chairman Ben Lim walked out of the club. Based on both stories by TODAY, the details seems to be one-sided as public were only given one half of the stories, while scratching their scalp why the other half, being the concerned parties, were not being quoted or giving their side of the stories. (Picture from "Today") "Where are you, Jorg?" I was told efforts were made to get into contact with the gentlemen but with not much success. Apparently, the gentlemen felt it's not time to spill the beans or they just simply don't want to dwell on it? Whatever it may be, I felt the fans have every right to know the inside out of both stories r...

Kung-Fu Friendly as Cubs beat the Indonesian U23...

(P.S:Things were made so easy now since the opening of the Pioneer MRT station, located within strolling distance of the Jurong West Stadium.) The Cubs redeemed themselves after that Malaysian thrashing by beating the Indonesian U23 at the Jurong West Stadium, although they clearly knew it very much that much work needed to be done if they want to be seen as a favourite of the year-end SEA Games. 2-0 was the scoreline as the Cubs finished off the Indonesian guests with two well-taken goals in each half but not without any incident that made the match a mockery of that as a friendly with four players (two from Singapore, one on-field and one bench player of the visiting side) being sent off by referee Abas Daud. PICTURES FROM THE MATCH The only "friendly" moment of the game? The Cubs celebrate their second goal of the night... Fans at the terraces. "Cool it guys!! it's just a friendly match"

Short Take of the League Cup Final

DPMM fans before the game (snapped outside the Stadium) "Expectations are high and the whole Brunei are exciting about it." said Aiqbal, a fan specially flew from Brunei to catch Brunei DPMM in action in their first quest for sliverware in their maiden S.League season. According to him, there were a total of approximately 500 fans , comprised of local-based and visiting Bruneians to cheer their team on. "I go for a one-nil win for my team," added Aiqbal who attributed the success of DPMM to the "enjoyment" everybody is deriving from their current fine form and said coach Vjeran Simunic is a "fan's man" in the old-rich sultanate. BEFORE THE GAME The calm moment before the kick-off at tunnel The trophy they are fighting for The DPMM fans made their presence felt. THE GAME IN SUMMARY Everybody knew very well that in any Cup final match, the most important thing is to grab the lead as soon as possible, not to be lagged behind for large part of i...

League Cup Semi-Final Short Take (edited)

DPMM's fans outside the ground celebrating their team's win (Sorry for the quality as I used my mobile to snap this) The first thing that came to my mind on the Monday morning was whether DPMM would be able to sustain their run with their hard and tough aggressive that won admiration from most lately. The answer a definite yes, Woodlands Wellington were clearly outclassed by the in-form Bruneians who slowly revealing their true abilities. Two well taken goals resulted from some attacking plays bore the testaments that whoever are going to face them will face a very tough fight. Despite that coach Vjeran Simunic was not pleased with the result. "Unfortunately, tonight we only won 2-1 and I'm surprised as we had created five, six chances in the game." said coach Simunic in his post match assessment. "It shown we are improving after every game we played and proved that my players as good as players like Noh Alam Shah.” he added. (note: Not sure if there were som...

Continue the trend of excitement as DPMM bulldozed Geylang in League Cup

Cup games are always something different as it's a no-hold barred contest between the two team that whoever lose - OUT YOU GO!! simple as that. The match between Geylang United and Brunei DPMM was my first League Cup match having just returned from my Down Under trip. This was deemed "NO-GOAL" Was late for the game as it was last minute decision to be at the ground for this match, so I missed the first goal of the night. But sheer aggressiveness shown by both teams gave the fans barrowload of goals to cheer about and end-to-end action of this game had also ensured this season's League Cup not being a dull affairs (as I was told). The was the "freeze" moment before the ball went in "There are some individual errors that we have to look at it, specific players have to ask themselves why as we cannot carry on like that to the next league (game) and the Singapore Cup but I'm proud the way they played." said Geylang's coach Mike Wong after the g...

Feel Free to tell us about urself

Gavin's blog on BBC ("PrtSC" from BBC) The name - Gavin Strachan don't seems to ring a bell to most of us who are more familiar with Rooney, Stevie G, C Ronaldo etc. Neither do I, after all, Gavin described himself as a "journeyman" footballer plying his trade in the lower tier of the English football for years. But here's a player who planned well for his career after the game by studying journalism during his spare time and therefore the BBC blog which he maintaining is what he making use of what he learned. Inside this blog, Gavin shared with us his insight as a lower tier football player far from the glamorous lifestyle of that of those Premiership millionaires. So one thing came to my mind instantly - how many of our local footballers tried doing this before? None? I do came across some so-called "star columnist" appeared on the papers occasionally but none of this like what Gavin is doing as these column mainly dealt with match preview, ...

more "endorsers" of BOCAP...

NOTICE : I would like to state it clearly before-handed that it is never my intention to make use of the gentlemen depicted below as any form of advertisement or whatsoever for the BOCAP. As the caps were given to them as a memento and keepsake out of my own will... Thank You. "Hope you find this cap (BOCAP) handy" I told Robbie Fowler (above) as handing over the cap to him while he was about to make his way of the football clinic last Saturday. Which it was very handy indeed when he cheekily use it to cover a kid's jersey's logo of the club sponsored by ailing insurance giants AIG (get what I mean?) which having his photo taken with him :) Many thanks to Fandi Ahmad for allowing me to snap this picture (above) after a short chit-chat with this boyhood hero of my. "I like this material and it's light, not like those cotton-type" he said (at least, I found an ally on this as many lambasted the material that make it looked "cheapo" )

Mission Continues.....before heading out...

P.S: I think by the time you guys read this entry, I should be out of town already. Nonetheless, I already scheduled some entries, which are not time-sensitive, to be loaded up while I'm away from home so as to the blog running (a tip I learned from some blogging experts to retain viewership). The recent NQLD Fury vs Tampines Rovers friendly not only saw the Stags beat the visiting A-League team but also a chance for me to grab a few more signatures on my posters. (Picture credit: "Cloud" of Just like any star-struck fan, I had my posters in "standby" mode just in case anyone depicted in these posters walked through the glass doors that linked the main lobby to the playing field of Jalan Besar Stadium. So we had Lee Man Hon (above) signed on the 1993's poster, after I spotted him he walking through the glass doors. Midfield Dynamo - Malek Awab was catching the main event along the corridor when I asked, "Excuse me Sir, would you help ...