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Showing posts with the label mission impossible

More signatures

More signatures were gathered during the charity match in aid for Charmaine Lim's cancer treatment. I finally got hold of former Geylang United and ex-Balestier Khalsa coach Jang Jung after missed him on several occasions. Rudy Khairon was walking behind me after Jang Jung signed the poster, and I asked, "Hang on, let see if you were inside the poster?", "Yeah, I think so... " said the former national midfielder. But the agony was the missing out of Hasnim Haron who is nippy as ever as in his playing days when he left the ground early after the match...

Mission Continues.....before heading out...

P.S: I think by the time you guys read this entry, I should be out of town already. Nonetheless, I already scheduled some entries, which are not time-sensitive, to be loaded up while I'm away from home so as to the blog running (a tip I learned from some blogging experts to retain viewership). The recent NQLD Fury vs Tampines Rovers friendly not only saw the Stags beat the visiting A-League team but also a chance for me to grab a few more signatures on my posters. (Picture credit: "Cloud" of Just like any star-struck fan, I had my posters in "standby" mode just in case anyone depicted in these posters walked through the glass doors that linked the main lobby to the playing field of Jalan Besar Stadium. So we had Lee Man Hon (above) signed on the 1993's poster, after I spotted him he walking through the glass doors. Midfield Dynamo - Malek Awab was catching the main event along the corridor when I asked, "Excuse me Sir, would you help ...

Mission Continues.....(edited)

The "Super-sub" of the late 80s - Abdullah Noor signed on the 1990's poster (25th May 2009) "Don't take my picture!!" said Abdullah Noor when I bumped onto him just now outside the Jalan Besar Stadium. But when he saw the priceless poster, he was surprised and asked how and where I got it. Having told him the story , he duly signed the 1990's poster with admiration from his students. "Can make ONE copy for me or not" said the former Balestier Khalsa, ex-Sengkang Marine coach before parting off. A tip-off just now from my friend, Mr Ong Jiing Yih saw me at the Jalan Besar Stadium not for the game but to grab hold of former national coach, Vincent Subramaniam's signature on the 1990's poster (Vincent was the assistant to Robin Chan then). (29th May 2009) But the coup of the night - yes, right in front of your eyes - the "twin-terrors" that struck fear in any defence and rocked the whole Kallang and Singapore whenever one of the...

Mission BEGINS....

Alright, here it goes... The autograph hunting began with Home United coach Mr PN Sivaji, the national team coach of the 1993 team, at the Bishan Stadium this evening. Please stay tuned to this entry if you are keen to know the progress of the mission. A link to this entry will be placed on the right menu, so that visitors can keep track of the progress (even after this entry is "exit out" of the main page.) THE SIGNING OF THE POSTER... "I have a framed copy of this picture" said Mr Sivaji as he signed on the poster (signed on 23/7/2008). "This is not me, it's my brother!" joked Mr Robert Lim (assistant coach of the 93's team) as he signed on the poster (23/7/2008). (Thanks Clara for the tip off..) The "Dazzler" V Sundramoorthy signed on the '93 poster (3/8/2008). Former national captain Terry Pathmanathan was the first signatory on the '90 poster (3/8/2008) . Tampines Rovers' team manager Syed Faruk claimed the first honou...

Back on track again..(used to be:"CONFIRMED: Mission IMPOSSIBLE")

It is with deepest sadness to announce the plan to get the signatures of these players and officials is ABORTED . Because these two posters are LOST .... What a pity. Last seen at Yishun stadium on the 20th July 2008, these two posters were placed and stored in a brown circular hardboard tube-roll, with one end of it covered by a plastic carrier secured by a rubber band. Chances are slim but happen to see whatever it described, please email me if you are happened to holding on to it.. thanks THE FOLLOWING DAY The following day (which is TODAY - 21st July), I decided to call Yishun sports hall (above: picture credit "sha-stallion" )to inform this mishap. Less than an hour later, one of the officers in charge of the Yishun sports complex called and said, "Hello, is this Mr Ko? We found your posters!!!" Man, can you imaging what I happy I was when I got the news? Many thanks to Mr Teo, who called and informed me the good news, and the SSC staff at Yishun Sports Complex...

Mission (Im)possible

Look what I found during the tidying of my stuff over the weekend? Two Malaysia Cup-era posters of the Singapore team (it's not right to call them the NATIONAL team when they playing in a domestic competition of another sovereign state)!! Good thing that I didn't dump them away, but honestly speaking I have totally forgotten their existence till the tidy up!! So wasting no effort, I had these two valuable posters laminated and next on the plan - is to trace down each individual and ask them to sign on these poster :) So guys, watch out for me, with these posters and a marker, in coming weeks :P (P.S: Unfortunately, "Russian Tank" Borhan Abu Samah is one I can't get to sign on it...... )