Believe it or not.. the moment when the referee Mr Abdul Malik blew to signal the end of the match between the defending champions Tampines Rovers and Cup finalist Woodland Wellington - IT RAINS (Picture on the left: with the league trophy, it's very pretty heavy, precaution required if you ever got a chance to lift it!! Many thanks to Mr Samuel Panthradil for making this picture possible) Still the wet weather failed to deter the Stags from popping the champagne, that was supposed to open last week. With the signboard placed and presentation ready to commence, Mother Nature thought the otherwise and "advised" the ceremony to be carried on the main stand (similar to that of those happened at the Wembley stadium) Only feel sorry for the boys who had to carry the huge signboard to and fro between the pitch and the stand. Luckily, things went smoothly for them but not for me, though as the taxi that supposed to take me home, made a wrong turn and went merry-go-round before r