To the players of both Orange County (pictured above, in orange jersey) and Team Beyond Imagination (lime jersey), it was something rather unusual for them when they saw a sudden surge of "intruders" turning out for their Sunday League fixture at the Bedok North Secondary School. (Pictured above) Rare mainstream media coverage on a Sunday League game. Beside those from the media and their D2DLeague coordinators, making their appearance at the school compound nested inside the Bedok Reservoir Road estate were three former national skippers - Fandi Ahmad, Nazri Nasir and Aide Iskandar. (L-R) Aide Iskandar, Fandi Ahmad and Nazri Nasir watching the game from sidelines. Under the hot scorching heat, the two teams slogged out against each other and with Team Beyond Imagination claiming a 2-1 victory over their opponents on a bumpy playing surface. Following the end of the match, it was then made known to the players that the three former Lions skippers were actually on a scouting m...