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They just wanna PLAY football, They just wanna SEE football...

I think the title of this post should be suffice to describe the mood at the Jalan Besar Stadium just now when a near-capacity crowd of 5,850 (based on what the stadium announcer said over the PA system).

(Pictured above) A shot of the crowds at the Gallery of the stadium before the kick-off

Anyone who were at the ground just now, would tell you it was either their first time witnessed this kind of fiery atmosphere (some would say still existed in school games' finals) OR they would tell you it was such a long time they LAST had this kind of atmosphere in any Singapore game featuring any of the national teams, be it the senior or their juniors - the national U15 who triumphed over their much bigger-built opponents from the Balkan state of Montenegro in the YOG's Group D fixture and saw them clinched the top of their group.

Twitvid of the celebrations after the victory over the Balkans
(sorry for the quality as compression was necessary to load the video fast in the first place)

(Pictured above) The "Little Cubs"acknowledged the supporters after the game...

Perhaps, one fan who shared his thoughts on this blog's Facebook group would probably explained why could such a passion ignite in this match.
S.League does have good matches. its just that people cannot find an identity with the clubs. when it comes to Singapore matches its different, because its country. so its easier for people to come and support. has been like that since Malaysia Cup days. - Gale Gan
While a S.League club official whom I met at the end of the match more or less echoed Gale's thought by added
This is real passion which presently the S.League don't have!

It simple as the boys just wanna play football and the fans just wanna see football.. Purely and simple as that.
Well, isn't that case?


  1. The most touching scene was perhaps a group of SJI boys cheered their schoolmates on the field ... See that spirit and connectivity?

  2. building S-league need time.

    It is only a decade plus & it need more than that or playing or watching with HK a good comparison

    Their league were established since the 70s so they have a history (which S-league lacked as 10 years is nt enough to build a history)& that why; despite an attractive offer by CFA to join Jia league, clubs were more than willing to stay with their own league

    FAS & the clubs are also selling it to the wrong crowds & I am nt talking punters but rather the Malaysia Cup-era crowd.

    One can see it under Zainudin again

    They keep digging out ideas like FAM-FAS series to tell us they want to rebuild that past.

    It gone like the friendly Cup era which I constantly point out and one have seem how negative most fans are from that era with the likes of Jeffery Low & the late Tan attacking Spore football non-stop & wishing it was died.

    That why Zainudin need to show he support this new era - like Ho Peng Kee did but too bad - for Zainudin tell us to watch S-league but does not show his own face there.

    Ho may nt watch more S-league matches in truth but in his era, he knew when to show his face as he was constantly caught showing at matches at important time.

    That why history will show the crowd went back up under Ho era rather than Zainudin

    Selling it to the younger generation may be a better choice


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