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Showing posts from September, 2006

Being "sabo" by RObbie..

Well, as far as we are concerned not official statement was made but since the news was broke by BBC, we shouldn't doubt it at all. Yes, Robbie Williams's scheduled concert is called off due to the exhaustion, thus National Stadium is once again available BUT the question is "WILL THE LIONS STILL BOTHER TO PLAY (the Palestinians) AT KALLANG AFTER THE SNUB EARLIER??" However, for SSC .. you are being "sabo" for BIG TIME!! with thousands of questions to answer..

SHAME of the continent..

I know I should not complaint about it but after sampled the first game at Jalan Besar, the following two games at Bishan were absolutely HORRIBLE .. Syria vs Vietnam The Syrians started off brightly. Crisp passing and nice possession football were the marks of the Middle-Eastern at the start, before they faded and slacked Two "god-sent" goals were enough to carry the Syrians to quarter-finals, over the below-par Vietnamese. China vs N Korea (Q-Final) Woeful passing and clearly the lack of direction, as we witness a group of 22 boys running around aimlessly. Left the ground after full time whistle blown.…. YAWN!!!

Some non-match pics from Singapore vs China game

This is the first picture I took, at the arrival at the ground. Luckily, being one of the previledged few, I was able to access to the ground with ease. A snapshot of the crowds seated at the grandstand area, sizable number of Chinese expat (comprised mainly students) turned out in full force to urge their country men on. Yours truly at the press area. My Mum always comment that I CAN"T SMILE, when posing for picture and I can see why, (with the both the upper and lower lip forming a straight line, it does lifted up the cheekbones and made me looked chubby) -Many thanks to Ms Hong Weixi of Lianhe Zaobao for this (above) snap This is my work area during any match day, thank goodness, it was inside the air-conditioned room, if not , you should a USB powered fan spinning. Some snapshots of the post-match conference.:- (Picture above) Coach Raddy met the local media after the official post-match press conference was over.

When Boyz are as good as men (if not better...)

I must thank my pal Hairul for convinced me to see the on-going AFC U17 Championship. Was expecting avalanche of goals from this David versus Goliath encounter. (Forgive me, my impression of Nepalese football was stuck in 80's, when I remembered some of their players collapsed onto the ground due to fatigue after conceded loads of goals during a match.) Thanks to the passionate Nepalese supporters (at one point, thought I was at Kathmandu ) who urged the minnows on, the Himalayans restricted the Koreans to a single goal (due to a poorly executed offside trap) just before half time, what a pity! But the Nepalese were equally at fault too, should they not "applied brake" to halt their attacks, they could be as lethal as their illustrious opponents. Not only it broke the fluency of their plays but allowed the Koreans to beef up their back line to deter the Himalayans from advancing. Nonetheless, brave performance by the Nepalese should put some of the S.League teams in shame...