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Prt-Scr of the Blog's Facebook group

Out of spontaneous, I had created a FACEBOOK group for this blog.

"just created for future necessity" is the reason why this group is created, this group will served primarily as an online archive of those photos I snapped since I decided to get down to the ground level to capture those "easily-forgotten" moments of Singapore football.

Other than that, there are no other plan for the time being until further notification via this blog or on the group page itself.

To access to the page, please click on the URL below (one must be a FACEBOOK user to access to the page)


  1. Hi "Adi",

    Thanks... was busy figuring out how to create a "group" or "fan page" on FB and after some struggling process, I opt for the option that I thought was the easy wayout.

    Anyway, still in the process to define the utility of the group which is now served as an Archive for those photos I snapped


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Ko Po Hui

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