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Instant Reaction: Singapore 0-5 Liverpool (edited)

(Picture from TV) Doesn't this trophy looks like the Malaysia Cup?

It was a soft, deflected goal from Andriy Voronin at the stroke of first half and the lapse in an indiscipline Singapore' backline in the second half saw the visiting the Liverpool ended their Singapore "holiday training camp" with a win over the hosting Lions at the heaven-know-when-will-tear-down National Stadium.

To be honest, I thought we did well to hold the 18-time English Champions for large part of the first half until that Voronin's strike.

But sad to say though that lack of discipline and composure eluded the Lions as they cracked as the game progressed.

What a shame as it was an ONE half performance, but NO SHOW in the second.

(Some instant reactions from my "facebook" contact)

"thinks it's a shame we didn't give Pool a better fight... Better defending could definitely have prevented 2-3 of the goals!"

"I guess there was just no direction of whatsoever, individually they played okay I thought, but they were like 22 lost lions :("

"To think Liverpool lads like Kuyt and Benayoun did give the hosts a lot of respect from their attitude during the game."

" is amused how people, who know nuts about liverpool, supports liverpool, because they're liverpool."

"Singaporeans are cheering as our national team is being demolished..."

" Sad to see my fellow Singaporeans cheering for a foreign team instead of our home team....."


  1. hahaha...

    my mum thought I was at the game just now when she stepping the house after her grocery trip.. I would only say "No Way I will pay $88 to bench my butt on those worn-out benches..."

  2. Haha,

    Went to NS to see the match.. not bad the crowds come in full force to support The Reds.

  3. Poor performance(especially in the 2nd half) by the lions. 5 nils is toooooomuch.

  4. Dissapointing, bt one of the proudest moments when mascherano kena makan by mustafic! lol

  5. Enough said, last night was a horrible disgrace

  6. Hi "JY"..

    Not for the first half I insisted...

  7. Saw some letters published on the mainstreamers..

    Yeah, most of the letters expressed their disappointment of the lack of support for the national team in that ill-fated match, while there's also a sizable group of L'pool supporters rebutted by saying "their loyalty to the nation SHOULD NOT BE QUESTIONED just because they cheer whole-heartly for their favourite CLUB not COUNTRY" that night.

    And one writer seems to "dig out the past" again when he said "I have stopped watching our national team play as there are too many foreign-talent members and I would like to see our own home-grown players donning our national colours." (I would like to remind this gentleman stick to the content and NOT DRIFT away from the topic as we had enough of such debate. ).

    Ans lastly, that stadium will always be known as "KALLANG"!!

  8. Yoz.. I saw the match too on TV.
    Generally good match. Good learning experience for our local boys. However something did trigger my nerves for a short moment.That is when the trophy was presented to J Carragher. He appeared stunned that there was a trophy, aka Merlion Cup , to be presented to his Liverpool Team. Furthermore, if you had noticed, after they posed for a photoshoot, the Liverpoolian walked away from the lonely Merlion Cup in which none of the player value the cup and bring it back to Anfield. Haizzz... In summary, I would say that Liverpool are only here for holiday football.

  9. Well,

    This game shall served as "mirror" to reflect not just those at Kallang that night but also the whole mentality, attitude of the general population towards the national team and Singapore football on whole.

    I guess the aftermath of this game had finally brought this often-ignored question up to the surface and only that people will start to talk, discuss and look into the issue.

    I still remember vividly that I was at that "open" training session when I asked my colleague, who is L'pool die-hard "Will you cheer if Singapore score on Sunday?"

    The next thing I knew was some eyes were glaring towards me...

    Enough said...


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