Nothing short of the usual woes we are facing in today's local football - the lack of quality players and standard, the lack of bonding between fans and clubs, the lack of familiarity of the teams and players, etc.
So nothing new and this tells us we know what are the problems that we are all talking about here.
And I think it's high time we should stop whine about these issues and get down to business to fix it, rather than talk over and over again.
Now, do YOU know WHO YOU ARE in WHAT ROLE you are PLAYING?
Perhaps, at a start one should log on to my fellow blogger Arief's blog, "Lions All The Way" which recently had he posted a series of entries titled "10 Things YOU Can do to Help Local Football!" as a guide on how you can help.
Just to quote a line which caught my attention among the posts.
"The day that Singapore football dies, is the day that the fans stop believing in the Lions and our league."Of course, I believe people who voiced out are because they are concern over the state of the local game and not for mere sake of it (except for some ignorance jokers out there).
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all...
I believe thay day when sg football died was when fas pulled out of msia