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Just mainly pictures from DPMM-TTM 1st leg QF...

(P.S1: Just mainly pictures, with the main text being those "tweets" I posted by mobile earlier and also to try out some photo-taking using some new methods which I'm still working on it.)

be visit an old fren at JBS later which I hope can materialize,work been piling up & already snapped, can't keep my cool? or hit roof liao?
Been hanging since their League Cup win months ago...

Former Balestier and Sengkang striker Paul Bekombo fulfilled his promise by scoring two goals.

A close-up shot of DPMM defending a TTM corner.

With his follow African Aly Camara, Bekombo terrorized the Bruneians' defence.

Bekombo missed his chance in this one-on-one.

So here's the "old fren" I referring to as he made his way to the dressing room, not before having greeted his admirers.

TTM definitely d better side with their much composed play as compared to DPMM's robust style, 1-0 to d Thai side at HT

TTM's coach Prajak Weangsong and Aly Camara at the post-match press conference.

DPMM's coach Vjeran Simunic said the loss of key players affected his team.

TTM ended their day deservingly with a 3-1, 2 goals advantage win over DPMM, composed play was d call of d day - out

(P.S2: You can't blame me for using poor grammar in my tweets at the 140 characters restriction means I have to squeeze as much details as possible and the action photos were actually "blown-up" shots.)


  1. So I am now wondering if Paul Bekombo is a lousy player or if Sengkang and Balestier are a lousy team?

    Also the Thai team made the demolition of DPMM looked so easy while majority of the S League teams have problem dealing with the same Bruneian team. So is DPMM really so good or the S League has taken a few steps backward in standard?

  2. Hi Vincent,

    the whole approach of most S.League teams seems to be pump the ball upfront for strikers to chase for the poor ball.. as what Raddy been pointing out time to time - we can't hold on to the ball .. and the TTM had shown us how and beat DPMM.. like how Super Reds beat SAFFC weeks ago at the same venue


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