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watchin' a game in a 33-degree climate

Just wondering how it was to catch a game in a 33-degree climate?

Anyway, it wasn't that HOT after all as I was under-sheltered at the Jalan Besar Stadium for the Prime League fixture between Sengkang Punggol and the national-U18.

The final score: National U18 1-5 Sengkang Punggol.


"Plenty of fluid to stay hydrate"

"Alright, skippers, the usual stuff - Fair Play"

Sengkang's corner in the first half

Some close-up action shots from where I sat during the game

Sengkang's custodian-cum-skipper Amos Boon in action.


  1. Amos Boon showing why he is such a hit on the dance floor on his evenings off!!!


  2. No really "Anonymous"...

    Amos was taking a drop-kick after a failed offensive move by the U18 boys.. it was a split-second close-up shot from the stand


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Ko Po Hui

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