Just wondering if you guys encounter this situation like I always do when the discussion is on Singapore soccer that some people tend to pan it down mercilessly? Not that long ago, I received an email from a reader who asked me "to stop writing about the S.League" simply because "will kill sg football in the long run" [sic]. Further discussion with this reader via email, I came to realize that he's one of those nostalgic folks who still clamouring for the return to the Malaysia Cup. While I may not agree to what this reader had suggested (keep the s-league and at the same time send a Singapore representative team to take part in both the m-league and m-cup [sic]) , as I was one of those "sick and tired" of those bullying tactics by those folks in KL that pulling out was the wise thing to do so then. However, the point of this blog entry is not to set as a platform to debate whether who is right or wrong about that "pulling out". Instead, it...