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[ANNOUNCEMENT] SLIGHT delay for the time being...

Some of you might aware that there's lack of updating on BoLASEPaKO late, it is due to the fact that there are some upgrading works being carried out at my place (pictured above) recently that my net access is restricted at this moment.

Therefore, for the time being some of those not-so-time-sensitive postings will be delayed until the upgrading works are completed.

However, with the help of the modern technology, I still managed to keep the show going through the means of using social media tools, such as "Twitter" and "Facebook".

The SCREENGRAB of my "Twitter" page


So for the time being, while there are some delay in loading up the postings to the blog, visitors are encouraged to log on to either the "Twitter" or the "Facebook" page to peep into some of the on-going happenings, discussions taking place in the local football scene.

The URLs of both pages as follows..
Thank you for your kind attention and support ... Save and Support Our own GAME!!


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While I allow comment/feedback to be posted using Anonymous mode but comments containing discrimination of race, derogatory terms and seditious remarks will NOT be tolerated and will be deleted, if necessary, at the blog owner

Please do not abuse it, thanks

And the blog owner WILL not be responsible for comments by visitors except those of his own

All comments are subjected to moderation and publish upon determination, thanks

Thank You for your kind attention

Ko Po Hui

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