However, since this morning this blog had seen some "anonymous" postings with similar message (as pictured above) appeared on various past entries, as such, certain measures must be in place to ensure the blog from flooded with irrelevant comments/feedback.
So for the time being, all comments posted will be moderated before reflect on the entry to weed out any irrelevant content.
But please assure that this is just a temporary measure and will be constantly review.
Thank you for your kind attention and support...
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While I allow comment/feedback to be posted using Anonymous mode but comments containing discrimination of race, derogatory terms and seditious remarks will NOT be tolerated and will be deleted, if necessary, at the blog owner
Please do not abuse it, thanks
And the blog owner WILL not be responsible for comments by visitors except those of his own
All comments are subjected to moderation and publish upon determination, thanks
Thank You for your kind attention
Ko Po Hui