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Thank you for making this possible... [Part TWO]

This afternoon, I went to collect my prizes for coming 1st in the "STAR SPORTS BLOGGER"

This is the temporary site of the SSC (Singapore Sports Council), until the Sports Hub is ready.

The recognition of my blogging - an iPhone, a Macbook and a "Magic Mouse" (many thanks to Mr Daniel Tan of SSC for taking this shot).

Nice chatting up with some of the SSC guys as ideas were exchanged, opinions were shared during the session.

It was a wonderful discussion and yes, again, thank you very much for the recognition.

When I realized that I won the contest, I knew that it's gonna be a brand new beginning to my blogging experience.

With the recognition being bestowed upon, it also means I shall NOT rest on my laurels and the key now is how should I build on this achievement in order to improve my blogging on something so dear to me.

And that's something I felt it's not only me, but a collective effort of you guys to help me to enhance the experience in whatever form.

Looking forward to that collective effort and thank you for your support :)


  1. Congrats!! You certainly deserves it...

  2. Read your article on s.league website. wow! you started so long ago! Thank you for your contribution to local football.

    I like reading your articles and photos. Just a comment - getting a bit cluttered now. I am no IT expert, so u got to figure out how to make the look more appealing.

  3. Hi "muitee",

    Thanks for your feedback and compliment...

    I'm aware of the "clutter" issue that some readers already highlighted, so please allow me to explain the reason of doing so..

    In the first place, the blog was in two-column format (ratio of 2:1), as the time goes by with more items (i.e: the "links", "event log", etc.") being added on, it came to a situation that some of these items became lower in the pegging order = less prominent on the "side menubar".

    Which was I decided to opt for the present format- 3 columns (ratio of 1:2:1), so as to "evenly-spread out the prominence of each item" here.

    Whilst, I understand the "cluttered" issues.. but please bear with me while I figure out a solution.

    Thanks for your feedback, greatly appreciated :)


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Ko Po Hui

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