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Oh Robbie, How could u!!!!

At least now l know how Dr M feel so pissed... Of course, it's always my policy that never touch politics here in the cyberspace. Saw this news clipping on TODAY!!! Definitely, it's a joy for the fans of the Brit-pop superstar Robbie Williams as their idol will be staging a one-night concert here in Nov but the sad thing is because of this "hard-to-come-by" money spinning gig, the relevant authority cancelled the booking made in advance by the FAS to accomodate the foreign legion. Once again, we are being ditched aside...

Take the farce out of the Cup!!

It's not the first time that the league authority invited foreign teams to take part in the Singapore Cup. However, I am wondering if some of these team are here just to make up the number? So far, the Thai side PEA had impressed me despite losing to Woodlands on the polling day, while its fellow side - Chonburi FC had an easy task by wiping out the faded Home United weeks later. But the farce of it, is to call in the Cambodian side Phnom Penh FC. What's the point of having invited a team that trained on hardcourt surface priror coming here? What's the point of having invited a team that having sizable number of Cambodian internationals who can't play the game for full 90 minute but only half of it? C'mon guys, time to restore the prestige of the Cup by stop inviting those "mickey mouse" teams OR better drop the WHOLE idea of having them to make up the numbers after all it's SINGAPORE Cup!!

Welcome to the club, Karim

(the namecard of former Woodlands's coach Karim Bencherifa) Moroccan coach Karim Bencherifa had parted way with the struggling northern giants Woodlands Wellington. It was the second time that Bencherifa left Singapore. Back in the midst of the 2004 season, he came in as a "trouble-shooter" for the now- sit out club Tanjong Pagar United, in which he did fairly well to revitalise the club though it was beyond his control when the Jaguars decided to sit out. He came in again mid last season , this time to the Woodlands stadium, not only he guided the Rams to the third position of the league standing and also to the final of Singapore Cup final. Unfortunately though, Good thing never last as the Rams struggled to repeat its form and struggled to this day. Interestingly, the Moroccan coach had just joined the club what could be known as the "troubleshooter" club. Rewind your memories back and look at how coaches like Jang Jung and Chow Kwai Lam, who took over at Ba...

Another milestone again: the first video on BoLASEPaKO

So there you go - the first video posted on this blog. Making use of the ready-made-available servers like "YouTube" has been kind to bloggers like us. This video was recorded while I was at Woodlands stadium weeks ago. I'm not not sure how you guys feel but personally speaking I noted that despite the dedication and hard work by these cheergroups, I still feel that there's a lot of catching up to be done. Ever noticed that the cheers, the songs and the dance routine are almost similar to one another? Thanks goodness, the introduction of the Sporting Afrique fans (in the clip below, recorded after their heroes won thier match against Woodlands) who somehow revolutionise the cheering (to certain extend at least). Maybe, it would be advisable to take a leaf from the Japanese fans during the early years of the J-league, when their fans researched intensively to find their own identity. But sometimes, how l wish these girls and boys can tone down a bit as i do found it a ...

I finally got LEECHED!!!

Thought everything was in placed for the day to come (i.e: the opening fixture of this year's World Cup). Sourcing out the alternate sources to see the games for free, had been the top most priority for me after it was announced that the cable provider (Starhub) had decided to opt for a PPV for the "Greatest Show on earth". Of course lah, the public outcry was there when the bad news was announced but the Singapore mentality is that, after "making hoo-ha" initially, the general public will eventually give in and "be a good boy" (accept the reality). Was ready to tune in to my alternate sources (eg: the RTMs, the live streaming via the internet) on the 9th, only to realise that the heavy traffic had made the viewing over these sources - MISSION IMPOSSIBLE !! Left with little choice (or rather NO choice) but to dial 1633 to "get leeched"... Probably, the only good thing about the sole cable provider, is that upon calling them, the channel 27 an...