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Showing posts with the label Annual Review

[Annual Review] - Was "HE" There on 28th of November 2015?

I hope that guy, who dropped me an email on the first day of the Lunar New Year in 2012 to chide me for not covering the Malaysian League, did turn up for the game on the  28th of November at the Jalan Besar Stadium (JBS) . If he did, I am not sure how he felt now when he expressed his disappointment in me in that email for not witnessing a "saviour" in the form of a newly formed team - LionsXII that were set to be the "next conqueror" after making "our Great Return to Malaysian football" which he opined was "better than any S-League game" he saw. The KGS is gone - a symbol of Lions XII's MSL involvement I would only say I made that decision without any regret and am glad I did, as I merely adhere to what "Uncle" Choo Seng Quee envisaged a long time ago when he said playing in the Malaysia Cup will not see improvement in our game when we are facing their state teams using our national team that we should be aiming for the pi...

[Annual Review] It's OK to say SORRY NOW ...

Artwork by Bitstrips At this stage, it's OK to admit the shortcomings and face the truth. It is not as if anyone would ditch you or leave you in the lurch when you seek for help NOW. Rather, people would be appreciative of the courage shown for that admission and willing to give a helping hand, instead of having a mindset that is blinded by those self-comforting thoughts. However, I give a hat off to those who have fought back every time after scraping the bottom of the barrel to find any explanation to counter the critics by assuring things are still according to the plan despite the facts are laying out there. Probably, like a Hokkien saying 「好料墊底」 ( essence is always at the bottom of the barrel) and that's why, despite not being that convincing, things remained status quo even after all those blueprints and programs were laid on the table. Recent faux pas by S . League CEO Lim Chin (right) is damaging If things went our way weeks ago, it would only inflat...

[Annual Review] "How is S.League?"

Some of those "ice-breakers" "How is S.League?" asked a colleague whom I chanced upon months ago. I replied: "If you ask this question, it would mean I didn't do my job properly, "It means somehow the league itself and its relevant information did not reach out to the wider audience they intended to." "Should have it done so, you would not ask me in the first place, isn't it?" I added. Another ice-breaker conversation that took place not long ago went like this after a day's work. "So Bishan stadium plays host for Home United (games), isn't it?" queried another colleague of mine "Yeah, it is," I answered. "Sorry lah, I don't quite follow the S.League, I just being confused lah." replied this colleague in an apologetic tone. "What's the problem again?" (imaginary dialogue) No worries, small chats as such are not uncommon since those guys are aware of my i...

[Annual Review] Be Responsible and let Lim take his exam peacefully next year

"Lemme think properly, can or not?!" PREFACE  "Amid the general consensus towards newly proposed initiatives, as an individual, we would have to ask ourselves have we all gave a serious thought on why, how those initiatives came about and are we being swayed in an emotional turmoil before making any comment?" That was the question I posted on one of the postings on the blog Facebook Page following a commentary by Leonard Thomas of The New Paper urging the largely skeptical masses to give the much-criticized initiatives by the Special Business Unit (SBU) a chance to prove their worth with the year ended with another tumultuous finishing as the local football fraternity embarked itself for another new journey in 2013. EASY TO SCRAP THE S.LEAGUE "STAND BY ME ..." From time to time have we not heard cries urging the scrapping of the S.League to start everything afresh, given the kind of situation we are in now. It would be a sensible move and it...

Pointless of Repeating .... [This is not an ANNUAL REVIEW]

Picture Credit: It has come to this part of the year when I would always pen my annual review to summarize my thoughts on what happened in the past twelve months in Singapore Football. Having said that, I must admit that it's been quite a difficult year for the local football that has been struggling with myriad of procrastinating problems that remain lingering. So much that I think it will be a daft idea to go on repeating those issues (i.e.: lack of crowds, lack of interest, etc.) then propose some "naive" solutions to these woes. Instead, I decided to post up the links to the past "Annual Reviews" that were archived in this blog since the transition in 2005. Annual Review 2005 - "FROM SITE TO BLOG" Annual Review 2006 - "10 years old" Annual Review 2007 - "DOUBLE ONE" Annual Review 2007 - "The odd Dozen" Annul Review - "13 deemed UNlucky" Annual Review - "SCREWED...


Introduction The TODAY's exclusive on the 16th of December ( 'S-League needs major surgery' ) seems to have triggered a wide range of discussions on the flaws in local football. A break from the past template of reviewing the events of the past year, I selected a few topics that caught my attention and blogged my thoughts on them instead... Screwed1 Did Home United mess up itself at the end of the day by allowing Shahril Ishak (pictured below) to leave at the most critical juncture of the season? Shahril Ishak's crowning as the "Player of the Year"  While every effort had been made to offer its former skipper a much-improved contract that would have seen the inspiring midfielder being the highest paid at the club, the Protectors were helpless, but to see its prized possession left for Indonesia. The absence of the national midfielder was in evidence as Home United's form took a beating following his departure. And after a few scary moments onl...

13 deemed UNlucky - Annual Review 2009

14 years down the road what had we achieved? “Below-average moderate” as I am to grade the overall achievement for the league. Yes, it provides a chance for any budding footballer to earn a livelihood out of kicking a ball around, also ample jobs in coaching and club administration, etc. Despite the constant proclamation as “one of the top 10 leagues in Asia”, it's not hard to see that there's a lot to be done to overcome some teething issues bugging the league.   SENSE OF HELPLESSNESS From time to time, I have been using this blog to share my thoughts and views on the local football scene, I can't help but felt let down that several nagging issues have yet to be resolved. It's easy to spot a mistake from far, but before we can tackle that problem, how and where are we going to make the first step? Maybe this feedback from a reader on one of the previous entries sums up the best. “Well, it is always easy to give 'suggestions' while watching from far (sic). One...

The odd Dozen... Annual Review 2008

" That's the sad fact.. all in the name of "grooming" youth players for the bigger stage but fail to realize professional league is not a developmental league " Ko Po Hui INTRODUCTION  Ok, this annual review will depart from the previous ones, and as such, I would like to talk about the milestones this blog been achieved so far. ".com" finally made its debut on the 1st of January 2008, just as the world ushered in the year 2008 simultaneously.   It was a dream fulfilled after a decade of sharing views, thoughts, and ideas via the website (newsletter) format and later in blog format (just imagine the fact that I wondered if the site would survive then as it was first created out of a shared computer).  Blogging from Stadium Shah Alam OVERSEAS BLOGGING The year also marked the blog's first overseas blogging entry from Shah Alam, Malaysia. It may appear insignificant but for an OMO (One-Man-Operation) blog, it's a moment to be rem...