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Muscle Aching As Well Besides Identity Confusion

Playing on artificial surface 😰
Playing on an artificial surface 
... provides for more optimal deployment of resources” and “also frees up the other stadiums to be adapted for greater community use
These words replied by the stadium landlord Sport Singapore (except for Our Tampines Hub which is owned by People’s Association) to the queries from The Straits Times, as quoted in an article by The Monitor, on the day the news broke out should be enough to explain the reasons behind the ground sharing decision which caused a ruckus in the scene of late.


The fact is when those "evacuated" clubs, while at their allocated grounds, aren't doing enough to pack the stands at their home games (let's face it), there is no case for them to argue when the authority wants their stadiums to be more prioritised for community use.

After all, the idea of ground sharing is not new when it was already mooted years ago before the materialising of it next season.

However, the issue we should be looking at is with three out of the four stadiums using artificial pitches, how much of an impact will be on players to play on these surfaces on a consistent basis?

Zico was in town back in 2011 as Iraq national coach
Zico was in town back in 2011 as Iraq's national coach

Playing on an artificial field is something frowned upon by many with Brazilian legend Zico famously remarking "artificial fields are meant for kids" when he was in town as the Iraq national coach back in 2011, a day before his side's match against Singapore on the artificial Jalan Besar Stadium turf.


Besides Jalan Besar, the other selected grounds with artificial turf for the upcoming season are Jurong East and Our Tampines Hub with Bishan Stadium being the only venue using natural grass surface.

"Playing on artificial turf is definitely not easy but it is something players have to get used to nowadays," said former national player Ismail Yunos on his thoughts on playing on an artificial surface.

Ismail Yunos (in white outfit) making his pass on JBS turf
Ismail Yunos (in white outfit) making his pass on JBS turf

He added emphasis should be placed on injury prevention as it is common to have muscle-related injuries incurred from playing on an artificial field known for its rigid surface and hard bounces of the ball during matches.

"The key should be the injury prevention, as chances of you getting injured (while) playing on an artificial pitch is a lot higher especially if it is going to be a 'week in week out' thing.

"There is always a danger when playing on the artificial pitch and if it is just for matches, it should be okay but having to train on it every day might be a problem." concluded the two-time AFF Championship winner.


  1. Singaporeans are to be blamed for this. because if singaporeans had supported our own league from day one, none of these f*** ups would have happened. If singaporeans had supported s.league since day one, fas wouldn't have resorted to going back to mleague, that cause us to f*** up for the past six years.

  2. In Sydney where clubs have their own ground 8 out of ten are artificial as they use the pitch availability to run lucrative coaching clinics in all weathers as an income stream essential to their survival. The last thing they care about is player welfare. it's all about the revenue. Those still with grass are in danger of being left behind as they have no other income than that from sponsors and they struggle to pay weekly maintenance costs on their grass pitches. They prefer grass but every other club is making money while they are losing it. Only a matter of time before all Sydney grounds other than elite stadiums used for rugby cricket and A. League switch from grass.

  3. Chua Kheng Seng (via LinkedIn)Wednesday, 28 December 2022 at 13:49:00 GMT+8

    I have played on both artificial fields and grass fields as an amateur. The same muscular injuries would still occur on a grass field.

    Majority of injuries I have really picked up are cuts and grazes from the sharp artificial surface.

    That is the only disadvantage I feel I got from playing there. Other than that, I got better control of the ball and able to time my run better due to the even and flat surface provided by artificial fields.

    Give me a choice of a artificial field and a poorly maintained grass field with overgrown grass or "botak brown patches" or uneven bumpy surface, I will choose articial anytime.

    With a poorly maintained grass field, risk of muscular injuries are even higher.

    Disclaimer: The only grass fields I have ever played on are from the parks, paid school football fields and community club fields.

  4. The National Stadium was touted as the "home" of the lions but reality and logistics make it impossible to play every game there. Even the new national training center at Kallang has a natural grass pitch. Should not jbs? It's not about cost for sure,,with roll and play tech and knowledge from the national stadium. Now that sportshub is back with the gov, maybe get their pitch architect to come and consult?


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