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Instant Reaction: Saudi Arabia 2-0 Singapore

It's not your typical business suit outfit When the Saudis scored the first goal of the game in the 38th minute, the first question that came to my mind was - Was Lionel too quick to come off his line, thus caused the confusion at the back and allowed the hosts to snatch the lead? While the second goal by Saudis was a well-taken "turn-around" shot (but too much luxury was given at the edge of the box then) Frankly, kudos to the Lions for holding up well against the Saudis but both Noh Rahman and Indra's yellow cards looked silly to pick them up. Skipper of the day - Lionel Lewis Jiayi on the ball... Nonetheless, it was a great relief to be able to catch the match (telecasted by the Saudi broadcaster) via the "TVANTS" software (thanks to the tip-off from fellow fans, who were clearly also pissed-off by the "no-RIGHT" MediaCorp). The importance of having two source to verify the scores (I learnt my lesson) I would say the "TVANTS" may not...

Save your breathe, Mediacorp

You need not go into length on what you are going to explain about the no-show of the Lions-Saudi match, because we read your mind! Not surprise of you saying like this "we don't have the RIGHT to telecast" Save the crap… ever since the demise of “Sportcity” (prior that the Channel 12, which was the de-facto sport channel), terrestrial broadcasters in Singapore seems to be “ill-treated” those sports lovers, whom aren’t cable channel subscriber. As we all aware that MOST of the major sporting events are shown on cable channels. Fair enough as the higher bidder won the telecast right to show on their network, so which why I would like to ask why is the terrestrial broadcaster been losing out every time when bidding for right to telecast any major sporting event? We already lost the “World Cup” for years and even the “Asean Football Championship” to the cable operators, so much so when the national team has made it so far to this stage in the World Cup qualifiers, yet fans ...

Lesson Learnt?

Last night till this hour was probably one of the longest day I survived... Simply because, all the sudden "" is down since last night!! At first, I thought it was the outcome of meddling with my "Google Apps" that coupled with the domain address I registered.. Only to realize it was not the case. Having seek for help high and Low but to not avail, Suddenly, one thing triggered my mind about the "navbar" (on top of the blog) I removed days ago.. I recalled reading something dreadful about removing the "navbar" and so it did really happened after I deleted and days after the consequences!!! OK.. OK.. promised I will be a good boy and never do that silly thing again...Will still monitor the situation.. NEVER REMOVE THIS BAR...

A comment from Down-Under

I will always make it a point to share with you guys, if there's any insteresting feedback from some visitors and below is one of them.. So please feel free to post some comments (if any) so long if you want to.. Thanks :) Got a pleasant surprise days ago when someone from Melbourne dropped a comment on one of the Alex Duric's posts (below) late last year. And this was what he wrote and left a YOUTUBE clip address . And I thought it would be nice to share with you guys the clip (below), though, he did apologized for the poor quality (No worries mate, thanks for sharing) Thank you so much, Paul .. have a nice day..

Instant Reaction :Jordan 2-1 Singapore (admended)

Was told that the Lions played the game under a freezing condition... Gggaahhh!!! I guess the only concern now is whether the team can make it in time for the Saudi showdown?? At least, rest assured we can fly to Riyadh without any human-made hassle unlike the Palestinians then :P... Anyway, got the result via ... you can't fault them when playing under an unfamiliar circumstances (unless like they did again the Omanis) For those of you punters outhere, I'm pretty sure you know this site But this morning (1st Feb), I woke up to realize that I made a BIG blooper (as refer to the " cut out above" above)!! As I realized the score was actually 2-1 to the Jordanians (damn!! it's another major case of embarrassment in a space of a week in my blogging career) A check with the official source (above) confirmed everything.. Sorry for the wrong info provided ... millions of apologises..