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Better QC Is Needed To Ensure Innovative Ideas Flow ...

Despite the proliferation of social media tools such as Facebook and Twitter, writing to the papers' forum pages to express their views in printed is still a preferred choice of many.

Given its fair share of problems in recent years that dominated the headlines for the wrong reasons, opinions shared by members of public on Singapore football has always been a hot topic on these columns.

Opiners' favourite topic - Low crowds at S.League matches
However, if those opiners have nothing more than repeating the same worn-out suggestions to improve local football, they should try harder to conceive more innovative suggestions.

Talk about revamp of all aspects of Singapore football by anyone around us is nothing new at all, since it's always surfaced whenever something catastrophic happened (i.e.: poor performance in major tournaments).

Beside singled out the shortcomings of the S.League whose inability to support the national team, letters suggested to work with Ministry of Education (MOE), schools, etc. on youth development and sorting out matters with Mindef, Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) on National Service (NS) issues that affected some local footballers from turning out for the country in international matches are some of those favourite themes shown on newspapers' forum pages or online avenues.

At the same time, we got to ask how Singapore Slingers managed to get Delvin Goh, who is still serving his NS, to play in their Asean Basketball League (ABL) playoff game versus Alab Pilipinas, when footballer Hariss Harun couldn't do the same for Lions in their World Cup Qualifiers years ago?

Hariss Harun (14) with his "NS" appearance years ago
The so-called "looking into it" have been talking about getting full-time National Servicemen (NSFs) representing Lions or Cubs in football tournaments like AFF Suzuki Cup and SEA Games, but there is hardly any progress for us to see except stagnancy on this matter.

On the other hand, the forum editors of various newspapers should vet through letters from the public to avoid publication of repetitive content on suggestions to improve the local game.

With due respect to those who wrote to the papers, nothing new was suggested to improve but mere repeat of worn-out ideas for the sake of argument.

If those are what we are able to suggest at this stage, then we have nobody but ourselves to blame for the predicament.


  1. Well, just wondering here, do you have any ideas then? Not too sire whether you have mentioned it before, but would appreciate your views as a longtime observer of Singaporean football.

  2. Anyway Singapore football scene is in a bloody mess now. If really want to revamp Singapore football the first thing to do is to get rid of foreign team in S League and revamp the S League to a league EXCLUSIVELY for Singapore local football teams and revive clubs like Sembawang Rangers and Jurong FC. Does the peeps feel proud that a foreign team with majority of its players not having any professional experiences back in their homeland dominating the domestic football scene?

    FAS is really bringing in shame for Singapore and I vowed that I will never watch a single S League match as long as the presences of foreign teams is here.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I afraid you may have to stay away from the S.League as it seems that both contesting factions did not notably mention to remove foreign teams from the league, based on what I read.

      So far, it was the group that once headed by former Woodlands GM R Vengadasalam that called for the removal of foreign teams in S.League.

      Again, the old tales of reviving teams like Jurong FC and Sembawang Rangers seems futile when they aren't even among the 44 delegates to vote, so how should they be revived?

      You added does people feel proud when foreign side with majority of their players without professional experience back in their homeland dominated our domestic scene?

      I would say it's something we should reflect ourselves on why our professional players can't match the level of play instead and saw the clean sweep by Albirex last year.

    3. There are a lot of locals supporting Albirex because how well they are being run. So I am not sure what the issue is about.

      Furthermore, Albirex has strong backroom staff who are....Singaporeans!

      We should just stop blaming foreigners for our own shortcomings and think of what exactly we have done.

      Of course, if you club is one of those sitting out, I am sympathize because TPUFC is sitting out too. But it is not Albirex's fault.

      It is more of the club's lack of ability to be self-sustainable, and also, thanks to FAS.


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