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When things you are not suppose to do...

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I'm pretty disappointed with this group of Warriors fans, who made their way up to Shah Alam for the annual Sultan of Selangor Cup clash.

Take a close look at the placards they held up.

"Noor Ali", "Thersak Chaiman", "Johnny Wilkinson", "Faizal Hamid" and "Warriors here to support U", are what written on those cards.

C'mon, this is a match between the best of Singapore League and the cream of Selangor football, shouldn't these Warriors fans ditched aside their club's loyalty to support the team as a whole?

As I was not at the scene, I wasn't sure if there's other clubs' supporters behaved in such manner?

But based on what I saw at Kallang last year, I wouldn't be surprised if there were, as I recalled having seen pockets of fans in various outfits cheering for the S.League's selection then.

Simply is a such a letdown to have such thing to happen


  1. what was the score? i don't think there was a lot of media coverage for this match right? it slipped right past me


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